A défaut de prendre du temps pour conter les péripéties récentes de mon aventure Tokyoite qui vient de subir un rebondissement majeur impliquant un nouveau travail et une possible extension de séjour nippon (sujet que je développerais dans un prochain message), je décide aujourd'hui de vous faire partager l'expérience géniale (du moins je le pense) à laquelle j'ai eu l'honneur de pouvoir participer.
Pour mettre en contexte, je fais un certificat à l'université des nations unies a Tokyo sur les thèmes des changements climatiques et de la sécurité alimentaire et énergétique en Asie Pacifique, cette semaine, j'ai envie de vous partager notre petit travail d'introduction que voici parce qu'il traite de notre impact individuel sur la planète. J'espère que ça vous plaira (vous fera réfléchir la dessus, vous motivera peut être ?)
Assignment: For this assignment, You might want to describe where you are from, your background and interests. We also want you to measure your carbon footprint at the following website and share it with the class: http://www.carbonfootprint.com/calculator.aspx.
I am french, a relatively young graduate in environment and sustainable development, field. I studied geography and communication in Montreal and went to Grad school at Sorbonne University in Paris.
I am currently just starting to work at the Japan water Forum here in Tokyo on water resources management issues and promoting good resources management practices in the Asia Pacific region.
I am interested in the field of policies related to climate change, mitigation and action through local projects which also why I join this CEFS class at UNU. I would like to thank UNU for that great organization.
Also, I try to involve myself in everything related to resources management, youth involvement and education on environmental issue.
My carbon footprint:
9.1 Tons
It looks like the average in Japan is around 11 Tons.
Far from taking it as a good point, I am just always amazed that today reducing our carbon footprint in a big way usually involves efforts and consciousness something that really not a lot of people do.
Why ? there are plenty of reasons, and in many cases they are not that bad
- I don't know how
- I don't have time to do it
- If I know how, it is surely complicated when it comes to really lower it. (finding a convenient place that involves efficient transportation, getting a
- The society around just advertises and promotes high carbon behaviors so I am not really tempted to step out of it. (in the same way that I got used to my heated and energy consuming toilet seat and taking it away from me now would make me sad)
- My residence doesn't allow me to choose the energy supply I would like (here, I think about inserting renewable sources)
- It even seems that a lot of the high level social classes (which is the class everyone aspires to access one day myself included) have a huge carbon appetite.
As a conclusion, under the tone of sarcasm I used, I just want to say that being eco friendly is complicated, and being non eco friendly is easier nowadays.
Reversing this paradigm represents a big challenge to help us lower our carbon footprint.
To counter balance this, everyone should make efforts even though sometimes it is a little harder, that's why education has to be working aside of those efforts to reverse this paradigm.